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About Us

What we do


LSCCM is a Life Skills Counseling, Coaching, and Mentoring hub founded by Palash Kalita. We provide practical and cutting edge skills, techniques to overcome any of people's emotional problems to ensure mental stability permanently. We offer the following:

  • Live one to one personal and group counseling, coaching (Both online and offline) to overcome emotional problems/issues like anxiety, depression, stress, anger, fear, frustration.
  • We offer our video based courses online with live support calls.
  • We offer courses for organizations, departments and corporates.
  • According to psychologist and author of ‘’Emotional Intelligence” Daniel Goleman IQ has the role of only 5 to 10 percent in our life’s success and 95 to 90 percent of it determined by the non IQ factors or EQ. We offer special program for students focussing on this untouched factors in academics which ensures life's success upto 90 to 95 percent and make them emotionally intelligence person.


Problem solver

The course will solve your problem from the root permanently.

Step by step guidance

It is a step by step guidance towards solving your emotional issues, personal change.

Personal support

Palash Kalita and other team members will not leave you alone until your problem is solved.